Santo Niño de la Providencia

(Miraculous Infant Jesus of Divine Providence)

This site is mostly about the image of the Infant Jesus named Miraculous Infant Jesus of Divine Providence (Santo Niño de la Providencia), the miraculous oil it sheds, the oratory built for the image, Jesus, faith, answered prayers, the community that grows around it, and the likes. The order of the things listed does not suggest any rank of importance, but of course it is centered on Jesus.

The oil, miraculously produced from nothing, comes out like sweat. Its scent changes back and forth between those of seven different flowers, but it could stay smelling like one of them for so many months. It is a great grace from God that heals sicknesses so many people believe. It started out for the family of Ms. Lornacita Gonzales of Las Piñas, but we are fortunate that her family has been sharing this oil for more than 15 years now. Prayers, faith, and love are the fuel that gets it shedding the oil profusely.

People are invited to pray at the oratory to have a very deep experience of the love and mercy of God and the spirit of the Infant Jesus.