Brief History

God endowed each one of us with a sense of gratitude, and my sense of gratitude is first of all directed to God who has blessed us with a deeply religious and loving parents that molded our lives. At a very young age, we were taught to love God. That led us to our faithful devotion to Sto. Niño, Mama Mary, St. Joseph, saints and angels.

The rather small statue of the Holy Child was bought by my mother sometime in 1988 from a store I really wouldn’t know. When my younger brother met a fatal accident coming from his duty as a medical intern, we placed the image in our sala to be able to pray unceasingly day and night.

It was Monday, at about 10:30 AM, January 27, 1992. I saw our whole sala flooded with a very sweet smelling and sticky liquid. For fear of what I saw, I sat in a sofa to gain my composure. I thought I was crazy or something, but when I had my eyes roam around, I saw the Holy Image shedding liquid profusely from His tantalizing eyes. My instant reaction then was to scoop the liquid flowing down His chubby cheeks, and applied it to my brother’s whole body over and over again. And with the Holy Oil, my brother started to recover gradually.

At about noon, nuns and priests, of different congregations came to pay homage to Him. Endless devotees started to pour in everyday. For this reason, we had to construct a small prayer room to be able to accommodate devotees coming from all over the country. Soon devotees from foreign countries started to visit Him.

Msgr. Josefino Ramirez gave Him the name “Miraculous Infant Jesus de la Providencia” and blessed the Holy Family Room on June 16, 1992. Blessings and miraculous healings of deadly and serious diseases of credible devotees have been reported since January 27, 1992 up to the present time.

— Lorna Gonzales